Wagtail + Docker

Wagtail + Docker

Learn how to get started with Wagtail's Dockerfile.

Wagtail + Docker

## Docker and Wagtail Integration Guide This tutorial walks you through the process of setting up a Wagtail project using Docker. Docker simplifies the setup, ensuring that your development environment is consistent and isolated. Let's dive in! ### Step 1: Install Docker Desktop Begin by installing Docker Desktop from [Docker's official website](https://www.docker.com/products/docker-desktop/). Docker Desktop provides an easy-to-use graphical interface for managing Docker containers, making it ideal for developers new to Docker. It also includes Docker Compose, which you will need for future lessons. ### Step 2: Create a New Wagtail Project Once Docker is up and running, it's time to create your Wagtail project. Open a terminal or command prompt and run the following command: ```bash wagtail start mysite . ``` **Note:** For this step in particular, you should have Wagtail installed via `pip`. This command initializes a new Wagtail project in the current directory. Notably, it generates a `Dockerfile` among other files, setting the stage for Docker integration. ### Step 3: Build Your Wagtail Docker Image With your `Dockerfile` ready, build your Docker image using the following command: ```bash docker build -t my-wagtail-app . ``` This command builds a Docker image named `my-wagtail-app` from the `Dockerfile` in the current directory. The image contains all the necessary dependencies and configurations to run your Wagtail project. ### Step 4: Run Your Wagtail Application To launch your Wagtail application inside a Docker container, use: ```bash docker run -p 8000:8000 my-wagtail-app ``` This command starts a container from your `my-wagtail-app` image, mapping port 8000 on your host to port 8000 in the container. As a result, you can access your Wagtail site by navigating to `http://localhost:8000` in your web browser. ### Step 5: Managing Docker Containers To view active Docker containers, run: ```bash docker ps ``` To execute commands inside an active container, such as creating a Wagtail superuser, use: ```bash docker exec -it {container_id} python manage.py createsuperuser ``` Replace `{container_id}` with the actual ID of your container from `docker ps`. This command opens an interactive terminal inside the container, allowing you to run the `createsuperuser` command to set up a Wagtail admin account. ### Common Docker Commands - **`docker stop {container_id}`**: Stops a running container. - **`docker start {container_id}`**: Starts a stopped container. - **`docker pause {container_id}`**: Pauses all processes within a container. These commands provide basic control over your Docker containers, making it easy to manage your Wagtail development environment.


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Wagtail + Docker
Learn how to get started with Wagtail's Dockerfile.
8m 57s