The Ultimate Wagtail Developers Course

Installing Wagtail on MacOS and Windows

We'll guide you through the essential steps to install Wagtail CMS on both Windows and macOS/Unix-based systems. Don't worry; we'll be using the command line, but it's easier than you think! Whether you're a Windows warrior or a macOS maverick, you'll have Wagtail up and running in no time.

Installing Wagtail on MacOS and Windows

# Install Wagtail on MacOS ## Install Homebrew First, install Homebrew, which is a package manager for macOS. Open Terminal and paste the following command: ```bash /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" ``` ## Install Python and Pip Wagtail requires Python. Install it using Homebrew: ```bash brew install python3 ``` ## Create a Virtual Environment Create a directory for your Wagtail project and navigate into it: ```bash mkdir my_wagtail_project cd my_wagtail_project ``` Now, create a virtual environment: ```bash python3 -m venv .venv ``` Activate the virtual environment: ```bash source .venv/bin/activate ``` ## Install Wagtail Install Wagtail using pip: ```bash pip install wagtail ``` ## Create a Wagtail Project Create a new Wagtail project: ```bash wagtail start blog . ``` Navigate into your new Wagtail site: ```bash cd blog ``` ## Install Dependencies Install the required packages: ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Initialize Database Initialize the database (it uses SQLite by default): ```bash ./ migrate ``` ## Create an Admin User Create an admin user to manage the CMS: ```bash ./ createsuperuser ``` Follow the prompts to create a user. ## Run Development Server Run the development server: ```bash ./ runserver ``` You should see output that says the development server is running. Open your web browser and go to `` to see your new Wagtail site. # Install Wagtail on Windows ## Install Python and Pip 1. **Download Python**: Go to the [official Python website]( and download the installer. 2. **Install Python**: Run the installer. Make sure to check the box that says "Add Python to PATH" during installation. ## Open Command Prompt Open a Command Prompt window. You can do this by searching for "cmd" in the Start menu. ## Create a Virtual Environment 1. Create a new directory for your Wagtail project and navigate into it: ```cmd mkdir my_wagtail_project cd my_wagtail_project ``` 2. Create a virtual environment: ```cmd python -m venv venv ``` 3. Activate the virtual environment: ```cmd .\venv\Scripts\activate ``` ## Install Wagtail Install Wagtail using pip: ```cmd pip install wagtail ``` ## Create a Wagtail Project 1. Create a new Wagtail project: ```cmd wagtail start mysite ``` 2. Navigate into your new Wagtail site: ```cmd cd mysite ``` ## Install Dependencies Install the required packages: ```cmd pip install -r requirements.txt ``` ## Initialize Database Initialize the database (SQLite by default): ```cmd python migrate ``` ## Create an Admin User Create an admin user for the CMS: ```cmd python createsuperuser ``` Follow the prompts to create your user. ## Run Development Server Run the development server: ```cmd python runserver ``` Your development server should start. Open your web browser and go to `` to see your new Wagtail site. --- And that's it! You should have a working Wagtail CMS on your Windows machine. To access the admin interface, just go to `` and log in with the superuser credentials.


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Installing Wagtail on MacOS and Windows
We'll guide you through the essential steps to install Wagtail CMS on both Windows and macOS/Unix-based systems. Don't worry; we'll be using the command line, but it's easier than you think! Whether you're a Windows warrior or a macOS maverick, you'll have Wagtail up and running in no time.
9m 38s