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Tutorial Wagtail Version: 2.x

Adding, Modifying and Removing Sitemap Entries

In this video we are going to learn how to install Wagtail Sitemaps (sitemap.xml) and how to add, remove and modify sitemap data in a Wagtail Page.

Sitemaps are how internet bots like Google and Bing often discover more pages in your site much faster than having to scrape your entire site and compare old results to new results. Basically, it' just a list of discoverable pages.

By default Wagtail Sitemaps are not enabled, but in less than 150 seconds we can get it installed and running the way we expect it to. And within just a couple more minutes we can completely modify each Wagtail Page Sitemap entry.

In this lesson we're going to:

  • Install Sitemaps
  • Create a sitemap.xml URL for your website
  • Add a custom sitemap entry for a routable page (learn about routables here)
  • Add a custom priority to the routable page sitemap entry
  • Make the entire Blog List Page disappear from the sitemap.xml URL entirely
The Git Commit

Videos not your thing? Rather just get the code? No problem, here's the link to the entire Sitemaps Git Commit and you can see everything that was added.

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The Ultimate Wagtail Developers Course

This course covers everything from basic installation to advanced features like custom blocks and API integration, it's perfect for developers looking to enhance their skills with this powerful CMS.

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